Twin Knobs Campground in Kentucky on map

Twin Knobs Campground
Cave Run Lake is the setting for this large but nice campground.
In a lot of ways, Twin Knobs Camp-I ground mirrors the other campground on Cave Run Lake, by the name of Zilpo (see page 163). Both are large camping destinations located on national forest land. Both are on peninsulas jutting into the lake. Both rely on many employees and volunteers to keep them running like a well-oiled machine. I am normally gun-shy about large campgrounds, but Twin Knobs dispelled my worries shortly after I made my way through the busy entrance station. I didn't have a reservation, so I was assigned a campsite—often a red flag. They sent me to number 12 in D Loop, a large campsite that turned out to be in great shape and shaded by large trees. The other sites in the loop were just as large and well dispersed from one another. Because Twin Knobs bucked the stereotypes of a large campground, I heartily recommend it.
Most of the peninsula on which Twin Knobs stands borders the main part of Cave Run Lake; the rest borders the Scott Creek arm of the impoundment. Pass the entrance station and come to the first loop, Loop A. It is located near the lake and is all electric. B and C Loops are away from the lake and are also electric. Why be farther from the lake when you can be nearer? D Loop is nice, with 23 sites, but none can be reserved. The gently rolling terrain complements the large, shaded campsites. Though D Loop is near the lake, it is well above the water (a foot trail leads down to the lake). E Loop is also a good choice for tent campers. Sites E9 and E12 are the ones most sought after here. As with the rest of the loops, water spigots and bathhouses are well situated for all to access. F Loop is large, nonelectric, and has the most widespread campsites. Too bad they aren't reservable—they're the best lake-front sites and are likely to be snapped up by campers who return to Twin Knobs time and again. G Loop is nonelectric, reservable, and rolls gently toward Cave Run Lake and a small bay. The sites closest to the lake are the most desirable. H Loop is electric and away from the lake— don't bother with it. I Loop is nonelectric and reservable as well. As with the other loops along the lake, a foot trail leads to the water. J is the final loop. Its sites are electric, large, and well separated.
When I visited Twin Knobs, the family at the next campsite over had a motorboat and left in the early afternoon to head out on the lake. The kids were excited about riding a tube behind the boat. I was resigned to land activities, so I set off for the hiking trail that runs along the shoreline of the campground's peninsula. Waves were crashing against the shore, as many boats were out. Lots of campers were taking advantage of this easy access to the lake and were also bank-fishing for bream and bass. Others were at the swim beach. Later, I headed inland and took the 1.5-mile trail to a high point on the peninsula overlooking the lake and the actual two knobs there that give the campground its name. I began making dinner after returning to camp. The family next door pulled up. They were sunburned and tired from their time on the lake, but they still mustered the energy for a cookout and campfire that evening. I headed over to see some live music, just one facet of the interpretive programs held at Twin Knobs on weekends. Most of the programs are nature oriented; some are geared to kids and others to outdoors enthusiasts of all ages. My time at Twin Knobs was well worth it. And though the campground is similar to Zilpo across the lake, every tent-camping experience is unique.
Getting to Twin Knobs Campground
From Exit 133 on I-64 near Morehead, take KY 801 South 9 miles to reach the campground, on your right.
GPS COORDINATES N38° 5.458' W83° 30.475'
Key Information about Twin Knobs Campground
ADDRESS: 5195 KY801 South, Morehead, KY 40351
OPERATED BY: U.S. Forest Service
CONTACT: 606-784-6428; campground: 606-784-8816; www . fs . usda . gov / dbnf ; reservations: 877-444-6777, reserveamerica . com
OPEN: Mid-March-October
SITES: 31 nonelectric, 188 electric
SITE AMENITIES: Picnic table, fire ring, lantern post, tent pad
ASSIGNMENT: First come, first served and by reservation
REGISTRATION: At campground entrance station
FACILITIES: Hot showers, flush toilets, ice machine
PARKING: At campsites only
FEE: $24-$35 nonelectric, $29-$35 electric
ELEVATION: 770 feet
RESTRICTIONS in Twin Knobs Campground
¦ Pets: On leash only
¦ Fires: In fire rings only
¦ Alcohol: At campsites only
¦ Vehicles: Vehicles must back into site
¦ Other: 14-day stay limit at one campsite