South America detailed map

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South America detailed map

Map of South America
Atlas of maps of South America. Detailed large scale geographic and political maps of states of South America.    
Detailed map of the terrain of South America. Detailed visual map of the relief of the continent of South America.
South America, the fourth-largest continent, covers about 12 percent  of the world's land area. It contains the world's longest mountain range  and the world's largest rainforest. The countries of South America  contain rich farmland and many other resources, but they are far less  developed than Canada and the United States.    
Argentina, Brazil. Chile, and Venezuela are the most prosperous  countries. Seven independent countries are classified as lower  middle-income countries and Guyana E is the poorest South American  country. South America's population includes Native Americans  (Amerindians) and people of European and black African origin. Many  people are of mixed descent.    
Atlas of SOUTH AMERICA    
Area: 17.832,000 sq km (6.885.000 sq miles) Population: 323.924.000 Number of independent countries: 12    
Angel Falls, in eastern Venezuela, is the world's highest  waterfall. It has a total height of 979 m (3.212 ft) and a longest  single drop of 807 m (2,648 ft). The highlands of eastern Venezuela form  part of the Guiana Highlands.    
Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) was a South American military leader.  His victories won independence for Bolivia. Colombia. Ecuador. Peru, and  Venezuela. Spain and Portugal ruled much of South America between the  early 16th and early 19th centuries.    
Andean condors arc large vultures found in the Andes Mountains.  The Andes stretch from Colombia and Venezuela to Cape Horn at the  southern tip of South America. They form the world's longest mountain  range above sea level.   
Mamas are domesticated members of the camel family. The people  of the Andes use them to carry things and make their wool into warm  clothing. Llamas do not drink much. They get moisture from the grasses  and low shrubs that grow in mountain areas.    
Rainforests cover a huge area of northern South America. Much of  the forest lies in the Amazon Basin, a vast area drained by the Amazon  River and its many tributaries. Large areas of forest have been cleared.    
Brasilia is the capital of Brazil Building began in a former  wilderness area in the 1950s. The city became the official capital in  I960 and is famous for its modem buildings. Its population is small when  compared with those of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Brazil is South  America's largest country.
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