New Jersey Edison National Historic Site map and highlights
Map of Edison National Historic Site in New Jersey
Basic information for visitors to the Edison National Historic Site In northeastern New Jersey, in West Orange.
Edison National Historic Site in northeastern New Jersey, in West Orange.
Thomas Edison's lab and 29-room estate, Glenmont, were home to the inventor from 1887 until his death in 1931. At his "Invention Factory," he developed the phonograph, invented the movie camera, and the nickel-iron-alkaline battery, and was awarded more than half of his 1,093 patents. The complex includes his chemistry lab, machine shop, library, and a replica of the world's first picture studio. The graves of Thomas and Mina Edison are on the Glenmont grounds. The Edison Home National Historic Site was designated in 1955, the Edison Laboratory National Monument was proclaimed in 1956, and the sites were combined as Edison National Historic Site in 1962.
Touring lab complex and 16-acre Glenmont estate. Facilities: Visitor center, movies. Bookstore. Tips & Hints: Parking is on Main St., across from the lab. The laboratory and home are closed for renovations through 2005.
15 mi west of New York City, in West Orange, via the Garden State Pkwy. to Exit 145 or via the New Jersey Tpke. to Exit 15W; from either, take 1-280 west to Exit 10, then the first right off the ramp, go to end of street and make a left onto Main St., and continue % mi. From the west, take 1-280 east to Exit 9 and make a left at end of ramp, then a left on Main St. at second light. Public transportation available via New Jersey Transit (800/772-2222). Closest airport: Newark (20 mi).
Edison National Historic Site (Main St. and Lakeside Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052, tel. 973/736-0550, fax 973/736-8496,)
Edison National Historic Site. Basic information for visitors to the Edison National Historic Site In northeastern New Jersey, in West Orange