New Jersey Morristown National Historical Park map and highlights

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New Jersey Morristown National Historical Park map and highlights

Map of Morristown National  Historical Park in New Jersey
Basic information for visitors to the Morristown  National Historical Park In northern New Jersey, near Morristown.    
Morristown National Historical Park in northern New Jersey, near Morristown.    
During two winters, Morristown sheltered the main encampment of  the Continental Army. General George Washington held his troops together  and rebuilt his forces here through the winter of 1777 and encountered  one of the greatest tests of his leadership during the winter of  1779-80, when starvation and cold drove his men to mutiny. Displays at  the Jockey Hollow Visitor Center, Washington's Headquarters, the Ford  Mansion, the Wick Farm House, and the park museum re-create the events  and various settings from the era. The site was authorized in 1933.    
Attending programs, hiking, picnicking, touring museum and  buildings. Facilities: Visitor center, museum, guided and self-guided  tours, hiking trails. Book and map sales. Programs & Events: Guided  tours of Ford Mansion, interpretive talks, soldier-life demonstrations,  living-history demonstrations at Wick Farm House. National Trails Day  (1st Sat., June), reading of the Declaration of Independence (July 4),  Holly Walk (1st week, Dec). Tips & Hints: Busiest Apr.-June, least  crowded Dec. and Jan.    
Entrance fee: $4 adults, free ages 16 and under. No bikes on  trails. No motorized or mechanized equipment on trails. No unleashed  pets. Visitor center and museum open daily 9-5. Wick House open daily  9:30-4:30.    
Via 1-287 to Exits 30 (Jockey Hollow) and 36 (Washington Headquarters and Museum). Closest airport: In Newark (18 mi).    
Morristown National Historical Park (30 Washington Pi.,  Morristown, NJ 07960, tel. 973/539-2016, fax 973/539-8361,). Chamber of  Commerce of Morris County (25 Lindsley Dr., Suite 105, Morristown, NJ  07960, tel. 973/539-3882, fax 973/539-3960). Morris County Visitors  Center (6 Court St., Morristown, NJ 07960, tel. 973/ 631-5151,).    
Morristown National Historical Park. Basic information for  visitors to the Morristown National Historical Park In northern New  Jersey, near Morristown.
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